Question Bank SPM
Software Project Management(SPM)
Short Type Questions: contains 5 marks
22) Describe different types of software project.
33) What are the problems of software project?
44) Explain Stakeholders?
55) What do you mean by requirement specification?
66) Explain static assessment?
77) Elaborate technical assessment?
88) Explain software quality.
Long Type Questions: contains 10 marks
11) Briefly discuss the techniques used for cost-benefit evaluation?
22) Discuss about cash-flow forecasting? Differentiate with cost benefit evaluation?
33) Explain V-type process model? Explain advantages and disadvantages with suitable diagram?
44) Explain in detail in advantages and disadvantages of Spiral model?
55) Compare software prototyping and incremental delivery?
66) Explain Albrecht function point analysis method for project estimation?
77) What is a Risk? Explain the framework for dealing with risks.
88) Discuss about the objectives of activity planning
99)Discuss about ISO 9126.
110)Explain software quality measures.
11)Explain nature of risk and types of risk.
12)what is cost estimation Explain COCOMO MODEL.